Sleep better at night, live better by day

Sleep better at night,

live better by day

Do you wake up only to face another grueling day fighting through a fog of fatigue?

Ever wondered if there was more you could do so that you wake up fresh and ready to go?

Browse through our site for practical tips, useful resources, sleep aids that can make a difference, and a bit of inspiration.

START HERE:  Sleep Checklist

Your environment and everyday habits make a BIG difference.

See how you’re doing

Useful Sleep Aids

There’s a wide variety of sleep aids and remedies worth a try for specific sleep issues…

Check them out!

Tips and hacks to fall asleep faster

Lying in bed wide awake at night?  Stop watching the clock…


15 Natural Insomnia Remedies

Avoid the downsides of sleeping pills with natural sleeping aids.


Sleep Gift Ideas

Find the perfect gift for someone you know struggling with sleep issues.


Free or low-cost options

Strapped for cash?  Don’t let this keep you from getting help.


Snoring Treatments

Learn about what you can do to stop snoring and improve your sleep.


CPAP Basics A to Z

Everything you need to know about this life changing sleep apnea treatment.


The Latest Sleep Apnea Treatments

Looking for a CPAP alternative?  Find out what else you can try.


The Ultimate Guide to Treating Sleep Apnea WITHOUT Insurance

How to get help on the cheap.


Best online sleep apnea forums and resources

Find the right forum for you and other places to go for help.



About Us

Better Sleep Simplified® was founded as a place for you to get clear and well-researched information.

Our goal is to make sure you know about your options so that you take action sooner rather than later.

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Sleep Library: 

Watch and Learn

Hear from experts, sleep specialists, people with insomnia, and others


From the Desk of Rip Van Winkle

The POWERFUL Connection Between Mood, Depression, and Sleep

Risks and practical tips


10 Ways to Quickly Relieve Stress & Anxiety Before Bed 

Practical remedies worth a try!


8 Powerful Ways Sleep Makes You Better at Life  

How sleep is an x-factor for health, success, and happiness


11 Natural Sleep Remedies for Teenage Kids  

Things you can take AND things you can do


11 Alarming facts about the teen sleep crisis (Teen Sleep Part 1)

It’s now a worldwide problem


9 Reasons teens struggle with sleep (Teen Sleep Part 2)

A Perfect Storm!


11 Things That Can Help Teens Sleep Better (Teen Sleep Part 3)

Habits for better nights and days


Yes, you can die in your sleep

Why it happens and what you can do about it


How much caffeine is in your favorite evening snacks, desserts, and beverages?


Can napping help arthritis?

How it might and how best to do it.


12 alternatives worth a try if CPAP doesn’t work for you

How they work and where else to get answers.


Does shiatsu work for insomnia?

What the research says and how best to try it out.


3 Ways sleep can help the pain go away?

What we know and practical tips.


What’s the leading cause of sleep apnea?

What the research says and what you can do about it.


Losing sleep over rising gas prices?

Practical tips to save money, stress less, and sleep better.


Can medications cause someone to sleepwalk?

Which ones might and 8 practical remedies


How to get a CPAP machine for free or cheap

All your options (ranked by cost) and how to get a prescription on the cheap too


The quickest sleep apnea treatments you can get

What to think about and all your options


Can IBS cause you to sleepwalk?

What to try if you suspect it’s an issue.


Worried about retirement and can’t sleep?

What to try for peace of mind and better sleep.


8 reasons why your IBS is worse at night

Why it happens, what’s at stake, and practical remedies.


Does putting ice in front of a fan really work?

How to set it up, considerations, and other tricks to cool down.


Worried about losing your job and can’t sleep?

What to try for easier nights, peace of mind, and to make the best of things


Can CBD really help jet lag?

Why it might and what you should think about


Struggling with IBS pain at night?

Why it’s happening and what to try


9 things that can help if you’re using CPAP with allergies

What’s at stake, survival tips, and practical remedies


Has IBS got you too depressed to sleep?

13 things to do for better nights


Can sleep apnea give you an acne flare up?

Why it might and what to do


Can losing weight really help sleep apnea?

What we know and how best to do it


9 things to try if a cat won’t let you sleep

Practical ideas from cat owners


6 reasons NOT to buy a CPAP machine on Craigslist

Affordable alternatives


Can CBD help sleep apnea?

4 ways it might


What’s the best thing to do before bed?

Pitfalls to avoid and what to aim for


Can CBD oil cause insomnia?

The latest research and practical remedies


Is it OK to sleep with the AC on?

Health effects, practical tips, and remedies


How I‘m using Joy Organics CBD softgels for pain and better sleep

The latest research and what I learned


5 reasons why you should sleep on it

Learn how stress & fatigue affect decision making


A 7 day test ride with the Panda Life Memory Foam Pillow

Why it’s totally worth the money


A practical guide to sleeping with a dog

What to think about and remedies for common issues


18 Fun things to do before bed that won’t wreck your sleep

Pitfalls to avoid, what to look for


Is sleepwalking a sign of something more serious?

Why it might and 6 things to check for


Falling asleep during meetings?

The surprising reasons, survival tips, and how to stay awake


Struggling to sleep with cat allergies?

What’s really at stake and practical remedies


Are bedroom plants bad for allergies?

What the research says and what to avoid


Can acupuncture help sleep apnea?

What we know and practical tips


How to stay awake in online meetings

What to try and underlying issues


Sleeping with a dog and allergies

Pros & Cons, practical remedies


Can sleep apnea affect life expectancy?

What we know and what to do.


How to keep from falling asleep during a Zoom online class

Practical remedies, caffeine alternatives, and other things to think about.


Is it okay to have a beer before bed? – What we know and what it means for you


Product review: How I’m using turmeric curcumin for inflammation, pain, and better sleep


Is hot chocolate before bed bad for you?

The benefits and downsides of late night coco


Can turmeric help insomnia?

What we know and 4 ways to take it


12 things to try if you can’t sleep because of a noisy neighbor

Learn about practical bedroom remedies and dealing with a neighbor.


7 Sleep aids for kids worth a try

Learn about the downsides of sleeping pills, alternatives, and underlying issues.


4 things to avoid if you keep a fish tank in your bedroom

Learn about the many benefits and remedies for likely downsides.


CPAP stressing you out?

Learn about 15 practical remedies and what else you can do to keep the stress down.


9 Things to try to treat sleep apena yourself

Find out what makes sense and why it’s still worth seeing a doctor.


12 Sleep-friendly snacks for when you’re too hungry to sleep

Find out what to avoid and how to stay out of trouble.


Losing sleep over politics?

Find out what stress and worry over politics does to your body and 10 remedies worth a try.


How to get to sleep after one too many energy drinks

Practical tips to fall asleep more quickly and stay out of trouble.


17 Sleep friendly ways to pass the time when bored in bed at night

Find out why your bed routine and what you do for fun matters.


Desperately seeking an online sleep coach

Learn about how they help, pros & cons, and where to look.


Thinking about using your spouse’s CPAP machine?

Learn about the downsides and what else you can do.


Turmeric for sleep apnea

Find out what the research says and how best to take it


Picking the best fan for white noise for you

Find out how it helps and the 7 fan types worth a look


Cherries for insomnia

How they affect sleep and 7 delicious ways to enjoy them


7 Things to try if YouTube is wrecking your sleep

Learn about YouTube addiction and what it does to your sleep.


Remedies for common cpap spouse complaints

Learn what’s at stake and what to try.


Pain meds keeping you awake?

Find out which ones to avoid and what else you can do.


Strapped for cash and looking for a used CPAP machine?

Find out where to look and what to avoid.


Will snoring stop after pregnancy? – What we know

Learn about practical things you can do if it lingers.


How to get more restful nights if you’re sleeping with someone with sleep apnea

Find out what’s really at stake and 6 things you can do.


The Ultimate survival guide to getting sleep during holidays

Learn about the major holiday sleep killers and what you can do to wake up more rested.


3 light therapy remedies for jet lag

Learn how they work and which devices you can try.


Worried snoring will wake the baby? – What I learned from an informal survey

Find out what we know and what you can do if snoring becomes a problem.


Sleepwalking prevention devices: 5 things you can try for easier nights

Find out why people sleepwalk, what devices you can try, and what else you can do.


Worried sleep apnea is ruining your marriage? 3 practical tips for survival and recovery.

Learn how sleep apnea can wreck a relationship and what you can do to get things back on track.


Sleeping upright with sleep apnea – 3 things to try

Find out what the research says.


Foods that help sleep apnea – 5 to try for better sleep

Learn which ones to try and what to avoid.


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About Us

Better Sleep Simplified was founded as a place for you to get clear and well-researched information.

Our goal is to make sure you know about your options so that you take action sooner rather than later.

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Important: is for informational purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always consult a physician for sleep and health concerns.  See additional information.